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International Conference «Literacy and Contemporary Society: Bridging sociocultural, philosophical, pedagogical and technological dimensions”
Nicosia 23 - 24 October 2015
Conference proceedings - Papers in English
Conference proceedings - Papers in Greek
ELINET Presentation - Opening Session
Key Notes
Brian Street
Argiris Arhakis
Jackie Marsh
The term literacy, thus the ability that was traditionally understood as the acquired knowledge and skills of reading and writing, appears frequently in educational literature. However, its definition as well as its importance is continually changing and evolving, especially in contemporary technologically advanced societies. In understanding the quality or state of being literate in the 21st century, it is important that the following essential aspects are considered equally: the enhanced role of technology, the ways and forms of communications, the nature and speed of information and last but not least the change in the composition of societies in the global world. The aforesaid indicate that the process of becoming literate is complex and multidimensional particularly due to the existence of multiple literacies, also known as multiliteracies, multiple modalities and diverse and novel genres and texts. Moreover, new communities of practice are constantly emerging; a parameter which provides new meanings to literacy and to the very process of becoming literate. Within this context, the role of education, formal, non-formal and informal, becomes highly important.
In perusing a more comprehensive understanding of Literacy and the ways to promote it, the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, in collaboration with the University of Cyprus, the CARDET Research Center, the Cyprus Organization for Promoting Literacy, the Centre of Educational Research and Evaluation, the Literacy Committee, the Interdepartmental Committee for School Success and Promotion of Literacy and the Departments of Primary, Secondary General, and Secondary Technical and Vocational Education of the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture, organizes the International Scientific Conference «Literacy and Contemporary Society: Bridging sociocultural, philosophical, pedagogical and technological dimensions”.
The conference will take place in Nicosia at 23-24 October 2015.
The conference’s objective is to explore different aspects of literacy, functioning at the same time as a dynamic forum where different theoretical and applied contributions to literacy research will be brought together. More specifically, the conference focuses on the following thematic entities:
- Emerging/Developing Literacy
- Literacy and teaching practices in pre-primary, primary and secondary education
- Multiliteracies, multimodality and technology
- Multilingualism and bilingualism
- Literature - Reading for pleasure – Love of reading
- Out of school literacy
- Literacy and social agents
- Continuing education and literacy
- Information technology, communication and literacy
- Educational policy and planning and literacy
The conference can be attended by all education professionals/paraprofessionals as well as education stakeholders interested in promoting literacy. The target group includes academics, teachers, teacher trainers, researchers, librarians, students, NGO’s etc. Participation in the conference includes but is not limited to oral presentations, posters, workshops, symposiums or organized round table discussions.
The conference will be held in both English and Greek language, supported by translation services where needed. Enrollment, admission and participation to the conference is free, however the maximum number of participants has been set to 300; therefore for the selection of attendees a strict order of priority will be applied.
Invited Speakers
- Brian Street, Professor Emeritus at King´s College London
- Jackie Marsh, Professor at University of Sheffield
- Αrgyris Archakis, Assistant Professor at University of Patras
for Papers, Posters, Symposium, Workshop, Round Table Discussion
To participate at the Conference in any form (oral presentation of a paper, poster, symposium, workshop, round table discussion) authors may submit a summary of their proposal (up to 500 words) until June 15 (extended until June 30), 2015, by completing their details in the attached form ("SUMMARY SUBMISSION FORM"). The abstract of the paper, together with the attached form should be sent to the email address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The proposal should be addressing one of the following themes:
Conference Themes
- Emerging/Developing Literacy
- Literacy and teaching practices in preprimary, primary and secondary education
- Multiliteracies, multimodality and technology
- Multilingualism and bilingualism
- Literature – Reading for pleasure – Love of reading
- Out of school literacy
- Literacy and social agents
- Continuing education and literacy
- Information technology, communication and literacy
- Educational policy and planning and literacy
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated and notification of the results will be sent to corresponding authors until July 15, 2015 at the latest.
Authors, whose abstracts will be evaluated, approved and selected, and are interested in publishing their article in the conference proceedings, must send their full final paper no later than September 15, 2015. Full papers (of no more than 3000 words) will also be evaluated and authors will be notified via email. More details regarding the procedure followed for full papers will be announced at a later stage. Please note that only papers presented at the conference may be included in the conference proceedings.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of proposals: June 15 (extended until June 30), 2015
Notification of accepted proposals: July 15, 2015
Registration of presenters at the conference: 31 August 2015
Submission of full article: 15 September 2015
Registration for simple participation at the conference: 21 September – 10 October 2015
Conference: 23 – 24 October 2015
Notification of accepted article: 30 November 2015
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