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15 - 17 October 2014, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Nicosia - CYPRUS
Egly Pantelakis, Permanent Secretary, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture and Cyprus Liaison Officer for Pestalozzi Programme
Athena Michaelidou - Evripidou, Director, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Introductory Lecture: Cha(lle)nging attitudes and actions for a diverse society through education
Inger Langseth, Associate Professor, Norway - Representative of the Council of Europe
Presentation & Workshop 1: Addressing challenges in multicultural classroom settings: Critical differentiated curriculum development
Lefkios Neophytou and Stavroula Valiandes, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Workshop 2: Creative responses to issues of conflict: the case of Literature
Anna Kouppanou, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Keynote Speech: Mobilizing ‘Implicit Activisms’ in schools through Critical Pedagogies of Emotion
Michalinos Zembylas, Open University of Cyprus
Workshop 3: Empowered ideas: Human rights issues through art as text
Andri Savva, University of Cyprus
Workshop Facilitators: Andri Savva, Maria Ombashi and Valentina Erakleous, University of Cyprus
Workshop 4: Gender Representation through Rebetiko music in Kakogiannis’ film Stella (1955)
Christos Stavrinides, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture
Workshop 5: Cha(lle)nging perceptions of ‘self ’ and ‘other’ through Health Education
Elena Papamichael, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Workshop 6: Natural Sciences towards fostering human rights: hands-on activities in Physics and Biology lessons
Yiorgos Tsalakos, Yiannis Karmiotis and Andreani Baytelman, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute
Study Visits: Lesson observation and discussion
Cha(lle)nging Stereotypes through Health Education, Grade 6
Maria Pantziara, Primary Teacher
A music hybrid: the case of Greek music in South Italy, Grade 2
Kyriaki Theodorou, Secondary Music Teacher
Round Table Discussion: Reflecting and Moving Forward: the participants’ perspective
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